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 Locatiile pentru teleport (coordonate)

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 31
Unde Stai Ba? : Hunedoara
Registration date : 2008-11-14

Locatiile pentru teleport (coordonate) Empty
PostSubject: Locatiile pentru teleport (coordonate)   Locatiile pentru teleport (coordonate) Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2008 4:27 am

Locatiile teleport-urilor Locatiile pentru teleport (coordonate) Grin


1 Canyon City of Zant ------- 5242 5193 City Center

2 City of Junon Polis ------- 5655 5228 Near Mildun

3 Dolphin Island ------- 5198 5010

4 Char Select Map ------- 5199 5229

5 Junon Cartel ------- 5201 5277

6 Crusader Training Camp ------- 5201 5277

8 Lion's Plains ------- 5160 5080

9 Unknown Name (PVP) ------- 5199 4860

11 Junon Clan Field (30-49) ------- 5160 5132

12 Junon Clan Field (50-59) ------- 5160 5132

13 Junon Clan Field (69-89) ------- 5160 513215 No Map or Name ------- 5200 5200 (Like Grand Ballroom - 2 stories)

20 Birth Island ------- NOT IN EVO - 5132 4727 Southwest Spawn

21 Valley of Luxem Tower ------- 5158 5352 Near Tower

22 Adventurer's Plains ------- 5112 5350 In town

23 Breezy Hills ------- 5351 5056 In town

24 El Verloon Desert ------- 5379 5329 Mid-Lake

25 Anima Lake ------- 5377 5185 Ancient Pillars

26 Forest of Wisdom ------- 5278 5158 On Island at triple bridge

27 Kenji Beach ------- 5479 4976 Krawfy Island

28 Gorge of Silence ------- 5205 4911

29 Desert of the Dead ------- 5093 5144 In Dead Town

31 Goblin Cave (B1) ------- 5516 5437 B1 Entrance

32 Goblin Cave (B2) ------- 5435 5259 Between B1 & B3

33 Goblin Cave (B3) ------- 5605 5488 B3 Entrance

34 Cave of Ulverick (B1) ------- Not in EVO yet

35 Cave of Ulverick (B2) ------- Not in EVO yet

36 Cave of Ulverick (B3) ------- Not in EVO yet

37 Sunshine Coast ------- 5184 5256

38 Santa Planetoid ------- 5074 5342

40 Grand Ballroom ------- 5184 5211

41 No Name ------- 5050 5250 (Maybe Pyramid and Den in El Verloon Desert)

42 No Name ------- 5050 5250 (Nothing showing except floor)

51 Magic City of the Eucar ------- 5362 5094

52 Mana Snowfields -------

53 Arumic Valley -------

54 Crystal Snowfields ------- 5094 4254 At temple entrance

55 Freezing Plateau -------

56 Forgotten Temple (B1) ------- 5034 4304

57 Forgotten Temple (B2) ------- 5540 5145

58 Mount Eruca ------- 5680 4287 Near Gate (EVO)

59 Luna Clan Field ------- 5102 5132 By Entrance

61 Refuge Xita ------- 5431 4603 In town (EVO)

62 Shady Jungle ------- 5666 5139 In Jungle Town (EVO)

63 Forest of Wandering ------- 5407 4481 Near Temple (EVO)

64 Marsh of Ghosts ------- 5197 5157 Village (EVO)

70 Pedion (Clan Wars) ------- 5284 5038

101-120 Pedion (Clan Wars) ------- 5284 5038
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