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 GM Commands

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 31
Unde Stai Ba? : Hunedoara
Registration date : 2008-11-14

GM Commands Empty
PostSubject: GM Commands   GM Commands Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2008 4:27 am

tele [map] [x] [y] - Teleport

/b - Broadcast

/save - Salveaza datele char-ului

/reload - Reload config.ini

/ann [msg] - Announcement

/SSPAWN [monid] [min] [max] - Startspawn

/SET - Seteaza locatia spawnului

/ESPAWN [monid] [aggressive] - Opreste Spawn

/DSPAWN [id] [monid] [min] [max] [respawn time] [aggressive]- Dupeaza spawn

/DELETESPAWN [id] - Delete spawn by id

/pak - Citeste packet.txt si trimitel

/pak2 - Citeste packet2.txt si trimitel

/level [lvl] - Modifica lvl

/class [id] - Modifica classa ta (Relogig dupa)

/info - Arata informatii

/exp [amt] - Iti da (tie) exp

/mon [monid] [count] - Spawn monstrii

/kick [charname] - Kick player from game

/job [jobname] - Finish first job quest

/set [id] [refine] - Set full armor to [id] with [refine]

/cha [slotname] [id] [stats] - Cha slot to [id] with [stats]

/item [id] [type] [amt] [ref] [socket] [stats] - Get item

/levelup - Lvl-ul urmator

/drop [type] [id] - Drop item

/givezuly [charname] [amt] - Give someone zuly

/npc [id] - Spawn un npc

/givefairy [charname] [flag] - Give/remove fairy (1/0)

/move [charname] [map] [x] [y] - Teleport someone

/goto [charname] - Te duce la cineva

/teletome [charname] - Aduce pe cineva langa tine

/playerinfo [charname] - Informatii despre char

/give2 [charname] [id] [type] [amt] - give someone item(s)

/ban [charname] - ban a player

/buff [id] - buff yourself

/ani [id] - do animation

/summon [monid] - Summon monstor (te ajuta)

/reloadquest - Reload quest info

/shutdown [minutes] - Opreste server-ul in x minute

/dquest - Debug quests

/iquest [id] <amt> - Iteme pt quest
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